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Screening and Discussion Event: ‘A Bedroom for Everyone’ by Ed Webb-Ingall

Birmingham School of Art, Margaret Street23 February 20241–4pm

‘A Bedroom for Everyone’, a newly commissioned animation by filmmaker Ed Webb-Ingall, stemming from a long-term body of work that asks what the role of filmmaking is in response to the current housing crisis in the UK. The film explores the power of grassroots activism and organising in the face of this ongoing emergency; whilst making space for the camaraderie that unfolds in the community centres and meeting halls where this work takes place.

A film screening and critical round table discussion exploring intimate ideas of home and care and cultural institutions’ role in community-led activism. This event will explore the connective working practices of Grand Union’s collaborative programme alongside the work of regional and national practitioners and researchers who are involved in social practice/socially engaged practice. The evolving discussion will explore ways of thinking about the relationship between art, home, and care in the present and the past. It will seek to develop understandings of curatorial methodologies, public engagement approaches, and activist tools emerging from how we understand the secureness and insecurities of a place to call home. This event has been made in collaboration with the University of Birmingham and Birmingham City University.

Tickets are free but booking is essential. Refreshments provided.