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The Edge of Experience, the Edge of Society | Discussion hosted by Dr Khaldoon Ahmed

12 March 2016

Many of those living in ‘precarity’ suffer from psychological difficulties of some kind. In this talk, Dr Khaldoon Ahmed, a psychiatrist and filmmaker, will discuss the loop between becoming mentally ill, losing support networks and skills and finding it harder and harder to enter back into the ‘society’ of work and relationships.

From the point of view of lived experience, Susan Young will discuss her story of mental illness and moving from this edge of experience to the edge of society.


Dr Khaldoon Ahmed, MBBS, MRCPSych, is a consultant psychiatrist at South West London and St George’s NHS Trust. He holds a BSc and MSc in Medical Anthropology from University College London. Khaldoon was born in London of Pakistani origin and is an occasional filmmaker.

Susan Young is a BAFTA-nominated animation director.  After experiencing a series of traumas and a career-ending hand injury, she was admitted to psychiatric hospital, and remains in treatment today. She is currently researching animation’s capacity as a medium for processing psychological trauma at the Royal College of Art, London as part of a practice-based PhD, using autobiographical material and experimenting with new animation styles.