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Unmasking || Remapping: Emotional Mapping Workshop with Lee Mackenzie

8 May 202410.30am–12.30pm

Winterbourne House and Gardens

If you missed this event, an audio guide is now available for a self-led emotional mapping walk of Winterbourne on our website.

Join us on Wednesday 8 May, 10:30am at Winterbourne Garden for the first event in our ‘Unmasking || Remapping’ series, for an Emotional Mapping Workshop, with Lee Mackenzie.

Taking the form of a guided walk through the grounds, and drawing from archival maps and garden plans, Lee has created a map onto which participants are invited to plot their emotional and sensory response to the place. Creating a visual response to the location, this workshop aims to highlight the multitude of ways that different people experience the same space, spotlighting and ultimately celebrating neurodiversity among humans.

The workshop will draw on Lee’s practice of poetry mapping – a celebration of, and reconnection to, place. Lee encourages participants to rediscover a sense of wonder and meaning within places by facilitating slow engagement with environments. His work uses a playful, poetic style, challenging us to form counter-narratives to the ordinary, revealing the spectacular in the mundane.

Lee is an artist and poet living in Birmingham. He works on interdisciplinary projects combining poetry and the visual arts. He has been awarded Arts Council funding for research into the practice of ‘Poetry Mapping‘ and has worked on several societally engaged projects, producing commissioned work for The National Trust, Elan Links and Multi Story. 
His poems have been published in the New European, Birmingham Poetry Literary Journal and Coast to Coast to Coast, and he was formerly, Assistant Editor at Neon Books

The workshop is designed to be accessible via the paths of Winterbourne Garden, most of which are wheelchair accessible, however some areas are uneven. The artist has designed the workshop to ensure that all are welcome, however, we share the accessibility information of the site below. If you would like to discuss accessibility of the event further, please email

An audio guide of the walk, along with a blank version of the map will be available after the event via our website. This will provide an opportunity for those who miss the workshop to experience the space online or to have a go at filling in the map themselves. Please note that there is an entrance fee for Winterbourne if you wish to use the map or guide onsite outside of the event itself.

This workshop is the first event in the ‘Unmasking || Remapping’ programme, a series designed and planned by students from MA Art History and Curating at University of Birmingham. The programme is curated in response to themes of neurodiversity and inclusivity, drawn from Babeworld’s exhibition ‘Love is Real and its Inside Of My Computer’. 
This is a free event; however, places are limited so booking through Eventbrite is required